Business address
Mode Design Basman
Anwandstrasse 34
8004 Zuerich
Lena Kalisch & Joel Basman
Make-up artist
Thomas Nellen
Mathyas Kurmann
Simon Münger
Liability for content
The contents on our website have been choosen very carefully. We do not take any responsibility for the actuality of these contents nor their completeness. We do not take any guarantee.
Our website cointans links to external websites. We do not have any influence on their content. The website providers of those external websites are fully responsible for their content. In case of a law violation on these external websites we will remove any links leading to that content.
Information can be saved while you are visiting this website. Example through google analytics. If data is saved it will be saved anonymously.
The data saved is only used to gahter statistical informations. The data will not give or sold to any third party.